IOSEmus App Download | Install For Android And IOS


IOS is normally known as the iphone operating system. The IOS supports the various programming languages like C, C++, swift and objective C. Apple products comes with this operating system such as iPhone, iPod, and iPad. The App store is one of the leading mobile companies in the world. IOS is one of the popular mobile operating systems. iPhone is the best smartphones in the mobile industry.


Apple makes the new version of iphone with new features and design. The iphone comes in various models, such as iphone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S and many more. All the apple iphone models come in different design. Every iphone is different from each other.

Different Types of iphone Models


iPhone is the first model of the apple company it is also known as the first generation. It is very thin as compared to other devices. But iphone is wider or longer from other phones.  The screen of this device is 3.5 inch with a resolution of 160 PPI (pixels per inch). iPhone comes with many features, such as auto-detection of wifi and GSM environment. The devices come in 4GB or 8 GB hard drive or 2-megapixel rear view camera.

iPhone 3G or 3GS

Apple made the iphone 3G with various features like designed for business it supports the Microsoft exchange email. iphone 3G has the 2.0 version of operating system. Apple improved some features in this device, such as mobile security, plus remote wipes and other capabilities. This device available in two types of hard drive 8 GB to 16 GB models. After one year Apple launched the iphone 3GS or operating system of 3.0. iPhone 3GS comes with some improvements such as hardware, video camera and faster downloading.

 iPhone 4 and 4S 

After the releasing of iphone 4, the apple changed their operating system name  IOS. The iphone 4 has the better pixel density from previous one and also have a front camera. Apple also makes the changes in cellular networks which allow the device to connect various networks CDMA. IOS 4 introduced an app which allows the user to make a video call to each other. The operating system of the devices enables the user to make phone calls or listen to music. And the user can also use another app while having called.

Apple launched the iphone 4S after the release of iphone 4. The device released with the very unique feature with an app called Siri. From this app, the user can ask anything from the device and a voice came back with the result. The new model of the iphone comes with the advanced version of operating system IOS 5. This device has service of apple cloud service.

iPhone 5, 5C and 5S

Iphone5 launched with the bigger screen and 1136×640 resolutions. It also includes with the various features, such as A6 processor and nano-sim card slot. The apple iphone 5 is the first phone that can support the long-term evolution networks with 5 GHz band. This device is available for users in different models, such as 16 GB, 32 GB, and 64 GB.

Apple iphone 5S comes with the IOS 7 with the A7 processor. The device has some various kinds of camera features, such as slow-motion recording or live video. In iphone 5S there are some various changes is touch ID. The apple also gives the new feature in iphone 5S is finger scanner to unlock the device.

The apple also launched the iphone 5C in various colors, such as pink, yellow, blue and green. And iphone 5C is very similar to iphone 5S. But this device is run on an A6 processor which is used in iphone 5. This device is made of hard-coated and steel interior.

iPhone 6 or 6plus

Apple launched the phone two models iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus. These devices are different from each other for their size. The iphone 6 has the 4.7-inch screen and 1334×750 resolutions.  But the iphone 6 plus has the 5.5-inch screen and 1920×1080 resolution. The both of the iPhones ran on the same processor A8. iPhone 6 or iphone 6 plus comes with the mobile payments services of apple.

iPhone 6s or 6S plus

The iphone 6S or iphone 6S plus released with the latest version of operating system IOS 9. Both of the Apple devices run in the A9 processor and include the better 3D touch.

iPhone SE

Iphone version of SE is a smaller then 6S it has the 4 inch of screen and also runs in the A9 processor. The iphone SE is a smaller version of iphone  6S.

iPhone 7 or 7 plus

Apple launched the new model of iphone with the memory of 32,128 or 256 GB. This device comes in waterproof or dust resistant, with 12 megapixels cameras. The iphone 7 or iphone 7 plus run in the latest processor A10 Fusion.

iPhone 8 or 8 plus

Iphone 8 or 8 plus has released with some various kind of features like wireless charging. And these devices run on the A11 six core bionic processor, with the latest version of operating system IOS 11.

iPhone  X

iphone X is the bigger than all other iphone models in the history of apple. This device has no home button on the screen. Apple has given the full touchscreen feature to the user. The iphone X has the 5.8 inch of screen with faced unlocked ID.


Most of the iphone users know that in the app store there are lots of games to play. But the user cannot play all the games on iphone due to some reason. Most of the best games are not mentioned in the app store. If users want to play those games there is only one method to play all these games by jailbreak the device.


Some of the iphone users have a fear of jailbreaking the device. For such users, there are some other options and apps that will help them to play those games. There is one app which helps the user to play all the games without jailbreaking the iphone. The IOSEmus is best among all the installer is very easy to use and very flexible for iphone users.

Introduction of IOSEmus

Every iphone user knows that in the app store there are some games or apps are paid. Most of the user think that only way to play those games is to jailbreaking the device. But few of the user knows that there are some apps they can use. One of the best apps is IOSEmus which allows iphone users to install those paid games and apps.

The developers were made an app called Cydia. This app helps those users who jailbreak their iphone device. But some of the apps in Cydia are also paid. This year most of the app released but the IOSEmus is one of the best apps for iphone users. IOSEmus gives the iphone users can easily access to install their favorites apps or games. One of the best thing about the app is doesn’t want Apple ID.


The IOSEmus app is very user-friendly it is safe to use in any apple device. This is one of the best app installers in the market for apple device. From this app, any iphone user can install their favorite apps or games in a very easy way. Every iphone user can easily install this app in any apple device. This app is very easy and simple way to use for any iphone user.

Features of IOSEmus

Instant Access

IOSEmus is one of the best app installers for iphone, iPod users. From this app users get easy access to installing their favorite games and apps. Most of the iphone users install this app in their devices for instant access. This app helps users for getting the games for free. Some of the games are paid in the apple store so the user has to install IOSEmus. The app will give you the better and fast access for downloading.

No need to jailbreaking

From this app, the user doesn’t need to jailbreak their device. Every iphone user has the fear of jailbreaking the device. Because it may affect the warranty or other technical issues. IOSEmus app helps the user to install all their favorite games and apps. From this app, the user has not to worry about jailbreaking. With this app, the user can install any paid game or apps. For every user of iphone now they don’t have to jailbreak their devices.

No id Required

For iphone, most of the apps were need apple ID for installing the apps from the apple store. But IOSEmus don’t need an Apple ID. The user can easily install all the apps or games without an Apple ID. The app will provide every iphone users a simple help for not require an Apple ID.

Free Installing of Apps or Games

In the apple store, some of the games and apps are paid for the users. If the user wants to install those apps or games then they just pay some money for the games. But there is one of the best apps which provides all the games or apps for free. The IOSEmus is the only app that provides the iphone users their favorite games for free.

Memory Built

IOSEmus is a very popular app for the iphone users because it provides user their favorite’s app or games for free. This is one of the best apps for iphone users. It only takes some built memory with the help of cache cleaner.

Instant Installation

The IOSEmus app is very easy to install in any of the Apple devices. You just learn the simple method to install the app. This app is very helpful for the iphone users.

Safe to Use

Every iphone user wants that their device will remain safe from the corrupted apps. The IOSEmus app is the best app among all the app installer. The app doesn’t require any of Apple ID; from this, the user information will be safe. This app is safe to use for every iphone user in any apple device.

IOSEmus App Installer?

In the recent years, many of the app installers are released. But the IOSEmus is one of the best app installers for the iphone users. It includes many benefits and also flexible for the iphone users. This app doesn’t need an Apple ID which helps the user to save their information. The app can use in any of the apple devices without jailbreaking the device. In the market, there is not a tool for jailbreaking the device after the launching of IOS 10.

Most of the iphone user use the app called Cydia before launching of the IOS 10. Then IOSEmus comes in the market to give iphone user a simple access for their favorite games and apps. From this app, iphone user can download any paid apps or games in their device. The IOSEmus app installer is one of the best installers among all the installer.

It helps the iphone users to install their favorite’s apps and emulators. But in this app some games are not tested, so iphone user has not worry about this issue. The developers of this app are working on some issue to give all the apps or games for free.

How to Install IOSEmus in iphone

First Step:

First of all open the browser in your iphone device then type in the search box then click okay. After this you get the new page will open in your screen. Then a new pop up appears of install now.


Second Step:

Then go to the installation profile and then tap install.


Third Step:

When you click on the install then the new pop up will appear of warning of not signed. After that, you have to click on install.

IOSEmus Install

Fourth Step:

After this click on the home button and you will see the IOSEmus app is installed in your device.

IOSEmus Install

How to Install Games and Apps by Using IOSEmus App Installer?

Step One:

Firstly open the IOSEmus app installer in your apple device.

Step Two:

After you open the app you will see the newest and popular app. At the bottom of the app, you will see a small icon near home. Click on that icon and after that, you will see all the games and apps.

IOSEmus App

Step Three:

After clicking on the icon you will see all the games and apps. You will see the apps and emulators option then click on that to see all the emulators or apps.

IOSEmus App

Step Four:

After that, you will see a new page on the apps which shows all the apps and games. There are two colors of lines near the left side of apps icon, green or blue. The green line of apps will work properly on your device but the blue line apps will not work properly.  And if the apps don’t contain any color of line then it must work or not after installing. But the developers are working on updating the app.

IOSEmus App

Step Five:

After this, you have to pick one app take an example of flappy birds.

Step Six:

After this, a new window will appear in your screen and pop up of install, and then tap on install.


Step Seven:

Then a new window will appear and tell you the version of the game and ask you to continue. Then you have to tap on install.


Step Eight:

After this, a new window will appear of and ask you about installing, tap on install.


Step Nine:

After all, this clicks on the home button and go to home screen. The app is installed click on them for play.

IOSEmus Install

Fixing IOSEmus Errors:

If any of the iphone users install the IOSEmus on any apple device then they suffer from some errors also. For fixing those errors we also have the solution for iphone users. Go to settings in your iphone then click on the general button and click on profile and device management. After this now look for the IOSEmus profile and then the pop up appears and then tap on the trust. If this app is still not working then delete the app from your Apple device and then re-install the app.


So for IOSEmus app installer is the best app for the iphone user. It provides the free apps and games for iphone users. This app is one of the best apps for iphone for installing of apps. Without jailbreaking the iphone device, this app will also safe in use for the apple users. It doesn’t need an Apple ID. So in this article, we knew about this app. This app will provide you the best emulators or games for free.

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